The Mauler Posted: Apr 4 2003, 09:09 AM LuchaMaul! Group: Admin Posts: 7,856 Member No.: 5 Joined: 28-March 03 Yeah... a long story... long... I let my mate borrow my RoH CDs, so his little WWE rules gayness can be overthrown, anyway... I lent them about a month ago, he said he'd get em back to me within the month, nothin happenin, so I go to his house yesterday and I find out the bastard has gone for a 3 week visit to his Gran, who lives in friggen Cyprus or somewhere, not only that but he's ran off with me CDs... gutted doesn't begin to express, I'd watch em almost weekly to get some insperation... not only that but I needed em to capture some clips for BotB, so I'm gonna have to change the clips round back to CZW, I've got a decent idea for the round, hopefully I can upload the clips easily... anyway, enough throttling thrattle, I've said my peace.